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African American Stamps

Our Story through African American Stamps

The African American story is one of tragedy and triumphs, trials and tribulations.  It begins with kings and queens, princes and princesses ripped from their homeland, transported across the seas and brought to a foreign land.  There they were bought and sold and subjugated to harsh treatment and degradation.  Through it all our ancestors persevered and we are their legacy.

Prior to September  2011 the US Postal Service limited the eligibility of people to be honored on a US postage stamp to those who were deceased.  Further, there is a limited amount of stamps issued each year.  Thus, the vast majority of the persons you will see featured here are historical figures.

They include athletes, musicians, writers, politicians, religious leaders, scientists, business persons, poets, and more.

However, there are many facets to African American life, some of which is associated with postage stamps that have been issued as well.

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